Chinese Herbal Medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Some of the oldest medicine in recorded history, Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) has stood the test of time. Made from various types of herbs that are native to China, CHM involves a detailed evaluation of the patient’s condition to determine the best formula. Formulas may be customized for virtually any patient and condition. Unlike modern pharmaceuticals, Chinese herbs are processed naturally using traditional methods like steaming or frying in honey to draw forth their healing properties.
Similar to acupuncture, side effects of CHM include better sleep, reduced stress response, better mood, and more energy overall – all the things that demonstrate a re-balancing happening in the body, mind, and spirit.
Please have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions regarding CHM below. You can book a 30min Chinese Herbal Consult at this link.
Frequently asked questions about Chinese Herbal Medicine
What symptoms/conditions can CHM treat?
Like Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs are used to treat a large variety of medical conditions including pain, mental health issues like anxiety and depression, hormonal issues and imbalances, sexual dysfunction, digestive disorders, infertility (male and female), sleep issues, and many more. Chinese Herbs have stood the test of time for efficacy and safety.
What types of patients cannot be prescribed herbs?
Patients who are pregnant or taking prescription blood thinning medications are not eligible for CHM.
I am trying to become pregnant. Is it safe/recommended that I take Chinese Herbs?
Yes! Trying to become pregnant is a common reason we prescribe Chinese Herbs as they are very helpful and safe for supporting fertility in both men and women.
How much do they cost?
If a separate Chinese Herb consult is needed (see below to determine this), the cost for the consult is $50. The cost for any herbs prescribed is separate. We keep the cost of your herbs as low as we can so that cost does not become a roadblock to treatment. Depending on the length of time of your herbal course, you can expect to be re-evaluated every 3 months or so.
How long do I have to take them?
Like all therapies, this will be entirely dependent on your condition and expectations of treatment. Your practitioner will discuss the length/course of treatment once you are evaluated.
How do I take Chinese Herbs?
Chinese Herbal formulas can be prescribed in several ways. The most common ways we prescribe them are in a powder form that you can mix with warm water and drink like a tea, or as capsules.
Do they taste bad?
There are many types of Chinese Herbs so every formula tastes a little different. Most patients find the taste of herbal formulas inoffensive; however, we can prescribe capsules if this is your preference.
I have never been a patient at Complete Care Acupuncture and Wellness. How can I receive Chinese Herbs to treat my symptoms/condition(s)?
You can book a 30 minute Chinese Herb Consult using this link.
I have received Community Acupuncture at Complete Care. How can I receive Chinese Herbs to treat my symptoms/condition(s)?
You can book a 30 minute Chinese Herb Consult using this link.
I have been a patient in the private clinic at Complete Care. How can I receive Chinese Herbs to treat my symptoms/condition(s)?
If you are a current private side acupuncture patient, you can request a Chinese Herb consult at your next follow up acupuncture appointment with Dr. Vu at no additional cost. If you are a patient of another provider, simply book one of your acupuncture follow-ups with Dr. Vu and he will consult with you on Chinese Herbs and deliver your acupuncture treatment. Alternatively, you can elect to book a separate Chinese Herb consult if you prefer to keep that separate from your acupuncture treatment (although in this case, there is a $50 charge for the consult).
If you have not been to the private clinic for acupuncture in the last 3 months, you will need to book a separate Chinese Herb consult appointment to get started with herbs. If you would like an acupuncture treatment as well, you can book a follow up acupuncture appointment with Dr. Vu and the Chinese Herb Consult will be done at the same time for no additional charge.
Start Your Healing Journey with Us
“I have gone to a gastroenterologist for the last 10 years for stomach concerns, to no avail. Complete Care Acupuncture is well-versed in Chinese medicine, not only offering acupuncture, but also references and supplements that have helped me tremendously. I am so excited to say that after less than a year of consistently going, that my symptoms are completely gone.”